1. the last thing this world needs is another garden state.
don't get me wrong. i liked garden state alright. when i was sixteen. now it just frustrates me. garden state and (500) days of summer are like disney movies for twenty-somethings. love doesn't work like that. people don't work like that. i will give a million dollars to anyone that can find me a lovesick architect that looks like joseph gordon-levitt, dresses well, and listens to the smiths. which forces me to complain: of COURSE they both like the smiths. of COURSE that's what their first conversation is about. (side note: ironically enough, morrissey describes himself as being asexual. i, at least, thought that was funnyish.)
2. this is going to be the movie that makes everyone love joseph gordon-levitt, when brick was far better.
seriously. so. much. better. watch it. that's all i have to say.
3. the ending. don't keep reading if you haven't seen it.
really? REALLY? her name had to be autumn? i might have even admitted that the sad twenty-something girl that i am sort-of liked this movie had it had a different ending. if, say, he didn't meet another girl at the end. and if, say, her name hadn't been autumn. that's just ridiculous.
this isn't necessarily a complaint, but i must say, i think i am falling out of infatuation with zooey deschanel. i'm realizing that she always plays the cute girl with a rad voice that all the weird guys can't stay away from. (see: elf, weeds, yes man, (500) days of summer...) ok, not ALWAYS always, but enough always.
she & him is still great, though. because she does have a rad voice. don't worry.

maybe i should just lighten up and let myself like pathetic movies. i think for now, though, i'll happily stick to horror.
A)So you should watch "Eulogy" because it's one of the greatest movies ever that Zooey is in. It's older.
B)List are the best.
C)While I was reading your post, I had the good ole iPod on shuffle and guess what came up? She & Him. No lie. So strange I may just need to take a nap to get over it.
brick is so much better, and doesn't make me feel like a subculture is getting exploited.
Brick is possibly one of my favorite movies, ever. Also, first rated R movie I loved.
"Maybe I'll just sit here and bleed at you."
oh em gee!
that's my favorite line. i die laughing.
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