
bug bites & crying & cold.

do ever have one of those things where it's like a week or so when everything goes awry? those are the worst.

1. it's frigging december and i have not just one, but two mosquito bites on my elbow. heaven knows how they got there. i'm going to start wrapping myself in a tarp or something while i sleep. or you know... get a mosquito net. that might be an ok idea.

2. crying. crying just sucks. without a doubt it is my LEAST favorite thing to do. yeah, i WOULD rather throw up. crying makes your eyes itchy & your face red & your throat hurt & then you just wanna sleep even if you're not tired. it's a life ruiner. and speaking of life ruiners: yeah, i know i said i didn't hate you, but i do. i TOTALLY do. & that's going to have to continue for at least a little bit.

3. i hate when it's cold as hell out but there's no snow. i hate the cold anyway, but when there's no snow, there's no visual satisfaction to go with it. cold with no snow is like toto without dorothy. just a dumb dog that's always underfoot and barks too much.

sorry i'm such a downer today.


- looked into submitting to some fly feminist publications. here's hoping.

- the word 'fly' is awesome. why don't people use it more?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm going to start saying "fly" all the time, just for you.

Also, there is no snow here and it's 7 degrees f.

I'd rather not throw up or cry for the rest of my life.

Miss your face. Come visit PDX.