
good times.

so for about half of my junior year of high school i hated my best friend eleonore because i thought she hated me. and while i wasn't hanging out with her, i was hanging out with this other girl, julie, who was the one that lied to us both and told us that we hated each other. the saddest part of this story is that those were six really fun months. i hate that i think they were, but they were pretty great, and i still hate that julie did something so lame. anyway, in reminiscing about those great times, i found some great pictures to go along with them.

we hung out on the roof a lot.

and we had some huge-ass bonfires. that pit is probably ten to fifteen feet across.

we went swimming.

we took maybe the favorite picture of my life.

so sad.

incidently, led zeppelin is SO GOOD.

1 comment:

Trevor Christensen said...

"We went angrily swimming"