

trevor is my friend.

he told me to write a blog entry about him, so i am.

trevor has dreadlocks. i think that's important to mention early on. also, today he is wearing sweatpants in public. that's notable for sure. trevor and i have known each other for a while but we became the best of pals the evening of the infamous duane call's halloween party. then we starting hanging out a lot, and all of our other friends kept asking us and one another if we were dating. we thought this was funny so we pretended to be dating and even still we sometimes joke about it. it can be awkward and i'm pretty sure no one thinks it's funny but us. also, sometimes even we don't think it's funny, but we still do it.

what else?

a while ago trevor and i were discussing how cool those silhouettes that people have of their kids are. so then we went to his house and traced each other's heads. then a couple days ago he gave me the finished product of mine. it is so cool. i would take a picture of it and post that as well, but i am at kamalame's house.

trevor is funny.
trevor is bitter.
trevor is nice.

i like trevor.
he's cool.
and this is my blog about trevor.


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