
i ran in iran.

i had a weird dream last night.
i often have wicked weird dreams, but they are creepy or unsettling, like watching my dad get eaten by a yeti while i drive by with my big sister who is younger than me in the dream. this dream was only creepy or unsettling because it was so very random.

i lived in iran with my mom and sisters. i was going to school this one day wearing a cool school uniform. (i've always wanted to go to a school that required uniforms.) i rode a boss bike and it was kind-of a long way. then it like skipped ahead to me leaving school, and four or so of us kids were getting our bikes together and walking them to the end of a dirt road the school was on, and waiting to turn on to a main road. i was second in the row of us. THEN. this guy comes running down a hill next to us, plows into the kid in the back of the line and eats the kid's bike. then he shoves the kid behind me away from his bike and ate that one, as well. then he took my sweet bike and ate it. i was pissed, but for some reason, not at all surprised. anyway, then he knocked me down and started grabbing at my ankles. lucky for me i was wearing high-tops that were untied so all he got was my shoes. so i get up and start running. and running. and running. the guy doesn't even chase me, or anything, but i run a good couple miles or so until i get to this store and call my mom to have her come get me, but half-way through the phone call i decide that i just have to keep running. so i hang up on my mom and run all the way home. this is my favorite part. so i had run miles and miles all the way home barefoot on pavement. that hurt a lot. but my house was in this weird neighborhood that didn't have a street or driveways or anything. there were just the houses and really thick cool grass. and i got to walk on it. and it felt really great. the houses were in a circle and they all had big curtains that were different shades of pink in front of the doors, and they were blowing in the wind, and seriously, like half of the dream was looking at how pretty the curtains were next to the green grass while i stood in it. then my mom and sisters came out from behind the curtain and we walked towards each other, but i wasn't pressed to tell them what happened or anything. everything was fine. then i looked over at our iranian neighbor sitting on his steps and we smiled and waved to each other, and my high tops were cleaned and tied and lined up sitting next to him on the step.

maybe my favorite dream i have ever had.

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