
it's funny 'cause it's not.

i know it's a little late to be getting into it's always sunny in philadelphia, but i must say... it is the best show i have seen in some time. initially i thought it was pretty raw and unnecessarily graphic, but then i remembered, NO SUCH THING. the characters' obnoxious arrogance appeals to my own, and one can't help but fall in love with charlie: the classic illiterate little irish man. anyway, all i really have to say is, thank you fx for letting so much more fly than other stations. where else could you watch a grown woman beat a homeless man with a mini-bat for masturbating behind a dumpster in her alley? seasons 1 & 2 are definitely on my birthday list.

as a slight side note: my mom ordered me a potato-masher. SWEET!

as a less slight side note: today is super tuesday. good luck obama. our fingers, and hearts, are crossed.

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