sometime in february it always hits me like an acme anvil hits wily coyote: baseball season is coming. this happened a couple days ago and now the countdown begins.
twelve days till spring training.
forty-four till the sox play the a's at oakland.
fifty-one till the most beautiful day on god's green earth: opening day at fenway.
this summer will be good. i can feel it.
to be honest, i liked the sox more when they lost. they're losing personality. BUT, i'll love them till the day i die.
i'm just feeling the cubs this season. they're worthy, and they're due.
good things about baseball season:
-jason varitek.
-the standells.
-getting worked up.
-i think paplebon's really gonna shine this year.
bad things about baseball season:
-neil diamond.
-not being in massachusetts.
-or even on the east coast.
well, the good far outweigh the bad.
once again, there is something to live for.
go sox.

oh, jason.

oh, manny.

oh, papi.

oh, jonathan.
my feelings exactly.
1 comment:
Dear K1
Stumbled upon your blog and loved it! Please bring me back and I would like yto link to/follow it?
Happy holidays
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