
pitching glass at the cornfield crows & folding clothes.

i know that about 90% of this blog is about me getting my plans off my chest, but deal with it, folks. that's what it is.

also, after the new year i always get pretty antsy for summer, and i usually write a blog entry about it.

that time is here again.

i was just spending the evening with my dear friend allison, and as we drove around, wasting the saturday night away, we listened to a mix cd i had made her late last spring that was intended to be listened to during summer. it made us both miserable, thinking about sunshine and warm grass and naps and swimmin' and dirt and all the other lovely things that come with summer. this misery then led me to do yet another thing i do pretty often -- get worked up. i really do that a lot.

i honestly feel like during winter my life is just on hold while i wait for summer to come around again. probably not a good way to function, but you know... we do what we do.

so i got all worked up thinking about summer. and these are the things i promised myself i would do:


get my hands dirtier.
maybe this sounds totally stupid, but i'm really big on the idea of getting dirty and messing things up to make them better. i recently saw into the wild for the first time, and there's a scene where this older guy asks alex/chris if he's really just living in the dirt, and alex/chris responds with a giant smile, 'yeah! in the dirt'. & he's just so damn happy to be doing it, too. his hands are always filthy and that's because he has no need for them to be clean, and i guess that's what i'm getting at. i guess that's what matters.

...don't worry. the rest are loads more straight forward.

2. kiss a boy that's like sam beam.

yes. i AM into that.

3. wear a lot less outfits and a lot more swimsuits with cut-up jeans and/or t-shirts over them.

4. get loads better at bass.

i'm falling in love with bass. at first (don't tell anyone) i thought it was a little bit lame because bass lines can be so simple and repetitive, BUT i'm realizing more and more that they drive a song so much. i can't really describe it better than that.

this leads me to my next goal:

5. play bass with a band.

not necessarily IN a band, but WITH a band. and probably not in front of folks. at least at first. i'm quite shy.

6. be a more active feminist.

7. set solid life goals.
gross, but i'll never go back to school if i don't.

8. do loads of campin/hikin/livin out of doors and sleepin in the grass.

because it's the greatest thing to do, and also because i'm supposed to be hiking the entire appalachian trail next summer. preparation, right?


summer makes everything better.
and clearer.
i'm all wound up in winter.
it seems endless in the bad way.
summer's endless in the perfect way.

here's to a reckless summer.
let's do everything we always wanted to do.


Heather said...


Who needs summer? I'm being wreckless and fun now, rain and cold and all. I'm just sayin'.

 Natalie said...

Duh, duh, and duh to #'s 2, 3, and 8. And I want to do all those with you - minus number 2, we can do separately.

k. said...


Bing said...

Here is the good thing about winter:
people go stir-crazy and that turns into regular crazy and that turns into literary genius.
Russia, hello?